Tuesday, March 15, 2011

First timer

Due to a number of different reasons, writing a blog for all to see was never really something that I would imagine myself doing.  1) I did not understand the concept of people showing general interest in the thoughts and experiences that I may be living through.  2) I tend to think of myself as more of an observer in situations, sort of understanding my surroundings, "taking it all in" if you may, and I figured that was subjective, that basically all people would experience a different psychological, physical, and emotional charge than what I experience.  3) I was scared.

Which brings me to today.

I was talking with a friend of mine through the obvious avenues of skype and facebook.  She is a bit more "vocal" when it comes to these types of things, as well as a writer, so this was something a bit more seamless for her.  Nonetheless, she suggested that this be something that I do, not so much for people to be able to read and keep up to date with my travels and experiences, but more as a reminder to myself of the fortunate journey that I have embarked upon.

All in all, I could write for hours about the course I took to justify writing on the internet and why its great and why its dumb but that wastes time so I'll just let you guys read on.  I have no idea how people respond to these things so if there is stuff you want me to touch up on, let me know, otherwise I'll just post as I desire and try to throw some good articles from www.cracked.com on here, as I think those guys are brilliant.

This being my 3rd year in Europe, the expectations that I had coming into this year were pretty much neutral, I knew and anticipated what life would be like as it is mostly the same throughout the EU... except for I am not in the EU anymore.

I had to help a friend out with a school assignment, and to sum it up, it more or less compared the U.S., the EU, and Norway, and why certain cultural attributes helped these 3 either succeed or fail.  Unfortunately, the U.S. is completely different and diversified so it was a bit difficult to describe the States as a whole, rather than regionally; same goes for the EU.  Norway, on the other hand, is a country of only 5 million people and they are all the same so that part was easy.

 I have had a bunch of people ask how anyone can afford living here based on its average of a 50 dollar meal per person, its 13 dollar beers at the bar, its over-8 dollar a gallon gas prices, etc...  And the answer is socialism my friends.  This is not a political debate.  I refuse to talk about that on here.  This is simply what makes this country run and run successfully.  I'll try to break it down for you.

Follow this way of life and you will have no worries,

a) go to school for free
b) pass the free school using the A, B, C, D, E, and F grading system (I don't know what E is)
c) go to university for free
d) pass free university
-sidenote - If at anytime you are injured while going to free school, go to the free hospital
e) be placed in a job
f) work there for as long as you want and if you don't like it, the government will give you a new one
g) both men and women are given either a 6 month or a 1 year paid leave of absence in the event of the birth of a child
h) tell your kid to do the same thing

All in all, this is socialism at its finest.  All of these things come at a cost though, the government mandated 45 percent tax as well as a 25 percent tax on any purchases and even more tax on alcohol and tobacco.  So, when you average everything out, it allows everyone who follows these guidelines to live a happy life, not rich, not poor, just right in the middle, which, ultimately eliminates competition and jealousy, both of which are extremely prevalent in the U.S.

Now, the glaring hole in this that people forget to take into account, is I believe that it takes the dreamers, the innovators, the experimentalists, out of the equation.  I listened to a friend talk about how when he was growing up, he wanted to learn more than what the teacher was teaching, he wanted to use his free will to explore and as a result, was told in a polite manner to "slow down" that he doesn't need to learn about these things yet.  The end result, I believe, is complacency, and despite being the wealthiest country in the world as well as, as studies have portrayed, the happiest, I believe the minimal drive, determination, and conviction to greatness is what has made me believe that Norway is not a place I could ever see myself living.

And as promised to lighten the mood


Talk to you guys soon

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